Make Dinning Experience WOWsome

Get Table Booking Status

Know how many tables are available at any moment. The status of a table i.e. available, occupied or finished which will be auto synced across all the device.

Re-order/update orders

On additional order placed or any changes made on orders, the invoices are automatically updated which makes the billing process simplified & faster.

Know the reason for Order Cancellation

Analyze the reason for order cancelation so that next time you can avoid wasting your food.

Manage Kitchen & Queries Faster with KOT

Recipe & ingredient managing

Keep track of all your raw materials for recipe, their utilization so as to know when to re-fill your inventory.

Direct Display on Kitchen

Chefs can see a list of items to be cooked as soon as the order are placed & can mark done so that the waiter can get notified to collect order in time.

Waiter knows when order is done with a notification

Waiters are always kept updated on the order status so they won’t waste their time running back & forth.


Know how much food are wasted so that next time you can reduce your food production.

Kitchen Display System

A TV or Large display would help everyone in knowing the ongoing activities around the kitchen.

Track items to be expired

Get notified beforehand when the ingredients are nearing expire dates.

Integrated with online portals

And more